When I found out, back in mid-March, that I was going to be singing the Amme in Frau Ohne Schatten, I was a bit freaked out to be honest. The role is incredibly musically complex, vocally demanding, and long as hell -- in short, the most challenging role I've ever done in my career. But there was only one thing to do and that was to work. And so for five months I worked like a dog. To my surprise, my stamina got better and better, and what was seemingly an insurmountable challenge turned into a role I love to sing. Tonight is the culmination of that effort. I am nervous, in part because I have a bit of a cold and am afraid of it affecting my voice and in part because I want to do well so badly. But I am also elated and excited and so very thankful for the Intendent (also director) and conductor (also GMD) who gave me this amazing opportunity. This could very well be the biggest role I ever sing. I hope tonight I will be everything they saw in me. I am also grateful for the amazing music and stage team, my super talented colleagues, and the fantastic orchestra I get to sing with. Wishing you all the best tonight!